A Firm Which Is Dedicated In Providing Access, Attention And Respect Your Case Demands

Anaheim Ride-Share Accident Attorney

Anaheim has a number of popular tourist attractions that make ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft an essential part of transportation in the city. In order for these companies to operate in California, they are required to have insurance policies in place for any accidents involving their drivers.

If you have been injured while in a ride-sharing vehicle or hit by a rideshare driver, know that you have options. The experienced team at Ibrahim Law Firm will help you fight back against the insurance companies after your accident. Do not talk to insurers until you have talked with us.

Insurance Coverage Limits Depend Upon The Driver’s Status

These can be extremely confusing cases to sort out, and you might find yourself frustrated about your situation. The driver’s insurance policy, as well as the ride-sharing policy might potentially apply to your accident, making it tough to know exactly who you have to deal with to get the compensation you deserve. Factors that can influence the policies that may be in play during a ride-sharing accident include:

  • Is the driver “on the clock” and logged into the app?
  • Is he/she going to pick up a passenger?
  • Was the driver transporting a passenger to a destination?

We will review the logs at the time of the crash to determine exactly what coverage limits are available in your specific accident. Then, we will negotiate with the insurance companies involved to help you recover fair compensation. These crashes can sometimes involve multiple insurers and each may aggressively seek to protect their interests. We will make sure they take your claim seriously.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

We can make everything easier. Talk to our experienced lawyer today by calling 714-656-2360 or by sending us an email to arrange a time that works for you.